Phased Reintegration Plan
The University of Tennessee System Administration has implemented a phased reintegration plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This plan applies to UTSA employees and can differ slightly from campus re-entry plans.
- Reintegration Plan Supporting Slides (PDF)
- Download the Self-Observation Questionnaire (PDF)
- Entrance Signage: “Please Read Before Entering”
- Entrance Signage: “Stop the Spread of Germs”
U.S. Centers for Disease Control Guidance
The purpose of this document is to establish standards that allow staff to return to their areas of in-person engagement in the work setting in a manner that protects their health and the health of the community.
Phase Definitions
Phase One
- Phase One shall go into effect on May 4 unless there is a change in status from state/local/CDC officials that suggest we should not reintegrate.
- Any change in status that results from state/local/CDC guidelines, an employee testing positive and has been in contact with other employees, or community spread being detected in the area will be a cause to return to fully telecommuting.
- Returning some functions on campus operations by slowly bringing back personnel who cannot effectively work from home or have been effectively working from home but would prefer to be in the office. Social distancing and proper protection/hygiene will be employed.
- Approximately 25% office occupancy will be a guideline in this phase but not a requirement.
- This phase requires department supervisors to assess their office work environment, employee work schedules, and prepare for in person work schedule as detailed in phase two.
- Internal doors will be left open whenever possible to minimize contact.
- Employees will be required to check their temperature prior to coming into the office and complete their self-observation questionnaire. Submission of the questionnaire will not be required. It is a measure put in place to protect yourself and others.
- All employees will maintain proper distancing of six feet.
- Hand sanitizers will be placed throughout each office area.
- Any meeting over six people or where social distancing cannot be possible, Zoom meetings will be encouraged.
- Face masks will be provided by UTSA and required if social distancing measures cannot be accomplished.
- UTSA will provide paper towels for restrooms where UTSA employees are located.
- Employees must remain home if not feeling well for any reason and will be sent home if they are not feeling well while at work.
Phase Two
- Phase Two shall go into effect at a date to be determined unless there is a change in status from state/local/CDC officials that suggest we should not reintegrate.
- Any change in status that results from state/local/CDC guidelines, an employee testing positive and has been in contact with other employees, or community spread being detected in the area will be a cause to return to fully telecommuting.
- Phase Two involves continuation of returning to work if there is no community relapse of COVID-19 as defined by the county/state health departments.
- Larger percentages of personnel are allowed to return to work.
- Approximately 50% office occupancy will be a guideline in this phase but not a requirement.
- Each supervisor should organize their teams work so that only half of their team is physically present in the office. This could be implemented by scheduling alternate days in the office (i.e. Team Orange/Team White) giving employees equal opportunities to physically work from the office and telecommute.
- Any meeting over 10 people or where social distancing cannot be possible, Zoom meetings will be encouraged.
- Employees will be required to check their temperature prior to coming into the office and complete their self-observation questionnaire. Submission of the questionnaire will not be required. It is a measure put in place to protect yourself and others.
- Face masks will be provided by UTSA. Face coverings will be required when entering a public building and should be used in offices when social distancing is not possible.
- Volunteer staff will assist in disinfecting common areas during the day in addition to the normal cleaning done in the evenings.
- UTSA will provide paper towels for restrooms where UTSA employees are located.
- No public events during this time period.
- Employees must remain home if not feeling well for any reason and will be sent home if they are not feeling well while at work.
Phase Three
- Phase Three shall go into effect at a date to be determined unless there is a change in status from state/local/CDC officials that suggest we should not reintegrate.
- Phase Three will be the “new normal” moving forward.
- Any change in status that results from state/local/CDC guidelines, an employee testing positive and has been in contact with other employees, or community spread being detected in the area will restart the initial timeline of this phase.
- Phase Three is a return to full operations including the scheduling of public events/meetings but include enhanced mitigation strategies employed to provide a healthy community which include proper sanitation of office equipment/areas, employees washing hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap/water are not available.
- No handshaking. Proper greetings could include an elbow bump or fist bump.
- Employees must remain home if not feeling well for any reason and will be sent home if they are not feeling well while at work.
- Any meeting over 50 people or where social distancing cannot be possible, Zoom meetings will be encouraged.
Key Strategies for Reopening
- Use appropriate prioritization to incrementally bring back staff
- Continue and expand innovative work practices developed during the onset of the pandemic
- Institutionalize appropriate health and safety mitigations as cultural norms
- Monitor appropriate health and safety mitigations as cultural norms
- Implement consistent and flexible mitigation actions as needed based on monitoring
Phase One
- Encourage Telework/Remote Work: Continue whenever possible and feasible with business operations.
- Prepare for Return in Phases: Supervisors assess office setup and employee work schedules and plan for a return in phases.
- Close Common Areas: Identify and close areas personnel are likely to congregate and interact, or enforce strict social distancing protocols.
- Restrict Travel: Restrictions still apply and will be reviewed using the established exception process to include following CDC guidelines regarding isolation following travel.
- Protect Vulnerable Populations: Accommodate personnel who are members of a vulnerable populations or have close family who are members of a vulnerable populations.
- Statewide Events: Remain postponed.
Phase Two
- Return to Work in Phases: Supervisors enact an alternative work schedule for their departments (i.e. Team Orange in office on Mondays, Wednesdays, and every other Friday/Team White in office on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Friday.)
- Monitor Common Areas: Meetings of groups in 10 or less may take place in a common area as long as social distancing measures are in place. Technology should still be strongly considered in this phase for group meetings.
- Resume Non-Essential Travel: Can resume if requests comply with CDC and State Department guidance.
- Protect Vulnerable Populations: Accommodate personnel who are members of a vulnerable populations or have close family who are members of a vulnerable populations.
Phase Three
- New Normal: Include enhanced mitigation strategies employed to provide a healthy community which include proper sanitation of office equipment/areas, employees washing hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap/water are not available.
- Expand Innovative Work Practices: Use technology in conjunction with in-person gatherings, replace paper processes with electronic.
- Telecommute/Remote Work: Allow flexibility for employees to telecommute when necessary or more optimal.
- Creative Scheduling: Minimize large gatherings with creative scheduling.