To be eligible to be a UT Promise mentor, you must be at least 21 years old, and complete the following:

  1. Complete a UT Promise Mentor Application.
  2. Complete a Background Check. UT Promise will provide more details on this after you have completed your mentor training.
  3. Complete a short virtual training for mentors.
  4. Complete your profile on the UT Promise Mentor Platform to be matched with a student.

NOTE: Once the UT Promise team has completed your background check and confirmed your mentorship, you will receive an email invitation to create an account in the UT Promise Mentor Platform. Do not create an account before receiving this invitation.

The UT Promise Mentor Application remains open year-round; however, we have instituted cut-off dates in preparation for mentor matching in fall and spring semesters. Those interested in mentoring who apply after the cut-off dates will be matched the following semester.

Application cut-off date for Fall 2024: August 15, 2024

Application cut-off date for Spring 2025: December 15, 2024

Common Questions About Mentoring

Where does my mentee need to submit their community service hours?

Each campus has different guidelines and instructions on completing and submitting community service hours. Have your mentee visit their campus-specific link to learn about and submit their requirements for community service each semester.

What if I am not matched with a mentee?

While we hope every prospective mentor gets a chance to participate in mentorship, there are times when the number of willing mentors exceeds the number of mentees. Our team keeps your application and mentoring profile on file so when there is a student for you, we can pair you easily.

What if the student I am assigned to mentor does not respond to my attempts to connect with them?

If your student is unresponsive, please let the UT Promise team know. We will urge the student to contact you while also reminding them of the program requirement to meet with their mentor three times per semester.

What are my requirements as a mentor?

You are required to meet with your mentor three times and check off each corresponding goal within the platform. While you are only required to meet with your mentee three times per semester, you can be as involved as you would like. We encourage all mentors to keep frequent contact with their mentees to get the full benefit from the program.

What if I need to place my mentorship on hold?

We understand that you have additional responsibilities that may impede your ability to mentor in a given semester. Please let the UT Promise team know if you need to step away from your mentorship. We will re-match your mentee with another mentor based on their goals and interests.

Where do I report that I met with my assigned UT Promise mentee?

You report completion of mentor meetings by checking off “Goals” (one per mentor meeting) within the UT Promise Mentor Platform by the June 1 and December 1 deadlines. Failure to check off the corresponding goals could result in your mentee losing eligibility.